Naci Karkin is a Senior Research Associate at the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) since 2022.
Dr. Karkin's core expertise includes e-participation, social media, public sector innovation, e-governance, and public policy analysis. For the last 22 years, Dr. Karkin has worked with the digital transformation of the public sector, including ICT-facilitated public service delivery, website analysis, e-participation, and public sector innovation through ICTs.
In his work, Dr. Karkin regularly conducts systematic literature reviews, expert panels, stakeholder interviews, and consultations, but he also works with user engagement and electronic participation from various dimensions.
Dr. Karkin has many publications in the ICTs and public administration field, book chapters of international publishing houses like Springer, Nova, IGI Global, and Edward Elgar, and has articles published in top information science journals like International Journal of Information Management, Government Information Quarterly, Information Technologies for Development, Information Polity, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Administration. Dr. Karkin has participated in many conferences as an author, reviewer, and member of the organization committees such as ICEGOV, AMCIS, eGOV, and Dg.o.