Irmak Karakislak

Irmak Karakislak

Associate Academic Officer

PhD, Sociology, Saarland University, 2023
MA, Global Cities and Researches on Istanbul, Marmara University, 2019
BA, Sociology, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, 2017
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Dr. Irmak Karakislak is an Associate Academic Officer at UNU-EHS, working on the flagship report, Interconnected Disaster Risks.

Irmak has a PhD in Sociology from Saarland University, in which she was a fellow with the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral network, MISTRAL. Her research focuses on the interactions between humans and technological systems within socio-technical environmental changes. Her expertise includes changing attitudes and behaviours in socio-ecological landscapes, environmental inequalities and vulnerabilities. 
Before joining UNU-EHS, Irmak worked as a Research Associate at the Institute for Future Energy and Material Flow Systems gGmbH. She has teaching experience at Victoria International University of Applied Sciences and collaborated as an expert consultant for international organizations. Additionally, she is a steering committee member for the Women and Inclusivity in Sustainable Energy Research (WISER) Network.