Charles Ebikeme black and white

Charles Ebikeme

Visiting Fellow


Charles Ebikeme is a Vising Fellow at UNU-IIGH.

Charles’ research interests focus on urban health, climate change and health, and global health policy.

Charles received his PhD in Parasitology from the University of Glasgow. His PhD focused on understanding how drugs work against parasites and how parasites become resistant to drugs. In the case of African trypanosomiasis, transport related phenomena have been central and a major research area has been associated with understanding drug resistance. His research investigated the inner workings of the parasite that causes African sleeping sickness and the development of novel treatments for the disease. He holds an MSc in Infectious Diseases from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and a BSc in Biochemistry from University College London.

Charles worked at the intersection of research and policy, focusing on mainstreaming health into sustainable development topics such as climate change and urbanisation. He has managed global research programmes and spearheaded policy and advocacy initiatives globally. Charles is a writer and commentator on science, policy, and global health issues. His work has appeared in The Guardian alongside other outlets.