Policy Brief N.6: Mais e Melhor! Diversificar os mecanismos de participação eletrónica e melhorar a oferta de serviços online dos municípios portugueses
This policy brief urges improved e-participation and online services for Portuguese municipalities.
Enhancing Digital Transformation in Guinea-Bissau: UNU-EGOV's Mission Highlights
UNU-EGOV advanced Guinea-Bissau's digital transformation through ENTD.GW presentations and workshops with government and private sector leaders.
10 Years of EGOV
Showing 9-12 of 40 results
Development of Digital Government at the subnational level: measurement experiences from Latin America
Seminar on subnational digital governance in Latin America and benchmarking measurement tools.
Digital Transformation, Technology and Innovation in the Brazilian States: proposed pathways for the period 2023-2026
This is a broad study on Digital Transformation in the Brazilian public sector.
Convite Sessão de Apresentação Pública IPIC 2023 | AMA, Universidade do Minho e UNU-EGOV
Sessão pública de apresentação dos resultados do Índice da Presença na Internet das Câmaras Municipais (IPIC).
IS Aspects of potential benefits from decentralisation in IT
In this seminar, we will look at critical aspects of decentralised IT systems and consider their applicability to the public sector.