Showing 1-12 of 50 results
SCIENCE TALK: Water Diplomacy, its tracks and third Parties’ Mediation
Role, Limitations, and Potential Constraints of Third-Party Engagement
SCIENCE TALK: Nutrition in Transition: Transnational Land Deals and Dietary Diversity in the Global South
Transforming Rural Areas in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
SCIENCE TALK: Using Robust Decision Making to Explore Critical Factors in Financing Greenhouse Gas Removal Technologies Needed to Reach Net Zero
Exploring the Power of Public-Private Partnerships
SCIENCE TALK: Building Climate Resilience of Rainfed Agriculture
Best Practices of Rainfed Agriculture from Global South Countries
A Dialogue on Advancing Global Cooperation for Land Degradation Neutrality
Implementing the UNCCD Goals
SCIENCE TALK: Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Humans and Animals
One Health Approach for Fighting AMR
SCIENCE TALK: Inclusive Stakeholder Participation in Watershed Management
Lessons from the Danube River Protection Convention and the Santa Clara Basin Watershed Management Initiative
SCIENCE TALK: (Re)Engineering Our Approach to Healthy & Sustainable Communities
State of infrastructure and water in rural and Indigenous communities
A Dialogue on Advancing Global Cooperation for Climate Action
Implementing the Paris Agreement
SCIENCE TALK: Modeling Shared Waters
Adaptive Strategies for Equitable Water Access in the St. Mary and Milk Rivers Basin between the USA and Canada
SCIENCE TALK: Simulating Hydroclimatic Processes and Extremes with Stochastic Methods
An introduction to CoSMoS (Complete Stochastic Modeling System)
SCIENCE TALK: Transdisciplinary Approach Toward Climate-Resilient and Equitable Infrastructure
ONLINE: On 30 October 2024, UNU-INWEH will host a talk by Professor Farshid Vahedifard.