Health and well-being

Access to good health and well-being is a human right and the foundation of human prosperity. Although significant progress has been made in improving the health of billions of people since 2000, major hurdles remain — particularly in developing countries, where women and children are most vulnerable. 

UNU’s health-related research untangles the growing social, economic, and environmental complexity that threatens to outpace the ability of governments and communities to manage the well-being of their citizens. Our work assesses key elements of healthy development to ensure they are reinforced by health policy.

Showing 205-216 of 286 results

Press Release

New UN Study Reveals Limited Impact of Tax and Social Protection Policies in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa

Tax and benefit policies provided limited income protection to poorest households and failed to offset the increase in poverty amid COVID-19.

04 Oct 2021


UN Day Dresden 2021: Ungleichheiten in Krisen

To celebrate United Nations Day (24 October) in Dresden, UNU-FLORES and partners were organizing an exciting programme on “Inequalities in Crises”.



Can Gender Budgeting Lead to Better Health Outcomes?

This seminar featuring Prof. Indrani Gupta will discuss the challenges in trying to mainstream gender in the budgetary processes of countries.


Journal Article

Dialogical reflexivity towards collective action to transform global health

COVID-19 highlights systemic inequities, spurring calls to decolonize global health and dismantle power asymmetries.

11 Aug 2021

Media Coverage

Armed Groups Response to COVID-19 Underscore the Need for Long-term Global Health Campaigns

Examining COVID-19's effect in East Nigeria.

14 Jul 2021