
Sustainable development depends on a framework of stable, competent, and just institutions that can create sound policies, which serve populations effectively and equally.

UNU research supports the development of institutional and government capacity through technical cooperation, research co-creation, and by building national and international communities of practice in the global South. UNU serves as a convener of collaboration, bringing together educators, government officials, policymakers and civil society to help ensure institutions better understand the issues facing the communities they represent.

In post-conflict settings, UNU experts are illuminating how to overcome the institutional dynamics that develop during violent conflicts, so that state-building and economic development trajectories can be realigned to peace and prosperity.

Showing 277-288 of 469 results


Artificial Intelligence for Social Assessment

This talk by Prof. Petra Ahrweiler presents an approach that uses cultural comparison dimensions to build context-specific Agent-Based Models simulations.



End of the Year Highlights 2021

As we look back at the eventful year of 2021 at UNU Macau, we thank you all for your support.

13 Dec 2021


What's SDGs? — Ishikawa-san Live News It!

OUIK will contribute to a local news TV programme in Ishikawa as a guest commentator on SDGs.



What's SDGs? — Ishikawa-san Live News It!

UNU-IAS will contribute to a local news TV programme in Ishikawa as guest commentator on SDGs.
