Upcoming UNU@50 Events
Conversation Series
Japan's Role in the Indo-Pacific — the UN, ODA, and a Free and Open Indo-Pacific
SDGs Café — Wells as an Emergency Water Source: What’s Their Potential?
All UNU Events
Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change and Other Social Challenges by Conservation and Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystem, Focusing on its Multiple Services
A side event at CBD COP15 will be held on mangrove ecosystem conservation as a nature-based solution for post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
Sustaining Biomass Management Practices through the Resource Nexus
Current and emerging trends in biomass management will be discussed based on the Energy-Water-Food Nexus approach.
Exploring Nature-Positive Pathways
UNU-IAS will hold a side event at the COP 15 conference to discuss a whole-of-society approach to biodiversity governance for transformative change.
Side Event
OECMs and Green Economies: Productive Landscapes for Nature-positive Society
UNU-IAS will host a session at CBD COP15 on financial and economic factors affecting the identification, management, and effectiveness of OECMs.
Doctoral Symposium 2022
Co-Organisers: UNU-FLORES, Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden)
Side Event
The Satoyama Initiative: A Decade of Working for Societies in Harmony with Nature
A side event at CBD COP 15 will present the results of the first ten years of IPSI to celebrate the first decade of the initiative.
Contributions of Migration to Development in the MENA
This online panel explored the contributions of migration to development in the Middle East and North Africa, specifically Jordan and Lebanon.
Does e-Government leave people behind?
Economic, social, and political bias in coproduction of service evaluation using citizen complaints about public services.
Transformative Actions for a Nature-positive Society from Satoyama Initiative towards 2030
On 2 December 2022, UNU-IAS will co-organise a thematic track session at the 2022 International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP).
The Nexus in Education and Career Development
The webinar aims to explore ways to strengthen the role of the Nexus concept in high school and university Education.