Dr. Talitha Dubow
Talitha Dubow is a migration researcher at UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University.
Andrew Dunn
Andrew Dunn is the Policy and Communications Officer at UNU-CRIS.
Dr. David Durand-Delacre
David Durand-Delacre is a human geographer and critical migration scholar interested in the political, cultural, and epistemological controversies arising from growing concern about climate change’s impact on human mobilities.
Juliane Dziumla
Juliane Dziumla has been a member of UNU-FLORES since 2018 and is the co-founder of the Green Committee at the Institute.
Marijke D’Haese
Marijke D’Haese is a Professor in rural development economics at the Department of Agricultural Economics of Ghent University.
Bushra Ebadi
Bushra Ebadi is a Research Associate at the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) since 2022.
Caitlyn Eberle
Caitlyn Eberle is a research associate and one of the lead authors of the Interconnected Risks report, UNU-EHS's annual flagship publication
Charles Ebikeme
Charles Ebikeme is a Vising Fellow at UNU-IIGH.
Amina Ebrahim
Amina Ebrahim is a Research Associate at UNU-WIDER focusing on tax administrative data in South Africa.
Dr. Lina Eklund
Dr. Lina Eklund specializes in land system dynamics in the context of migration and armed conflict, using mainly earth observation and spatial analysis.
Melad Elias
Melad Elias
Prof. Susan Elliott
Susan Elliott is a health geographer whose primary area of research focuses on relationships between environment and health, broadly defined.
Gioia Emidi
Gioia Emidi
Dr. Nordine Es-Sadki
Nordine Es-Sadki is an Assistant Professor at UNU-MERIT. He holds a PhD in Economics from the School of Business and Economics of Maastricht University on the topic of formal technology transfer of universities, research institutes and firms. His research interests include, knowledge/technology transfer, the measurement and analysis of Science, Technology & Innovation including social and public sector innovation, questionnaire design, surveys and their methodology, and the economics of regional innovation.
Dominik Etienne
Dominik is the Head of Partnerships and Programme Unit at UNU-WIDER.
Dr. Teresa Farinha
Teresa Farinha is a Researcher at United Nations University MERIT, focusing on the evolution of regional labor systems, impacts of automation and climate change, and the future of work - explore her Job Space network. Teresa also does policy, teaching and supervising, supported by DataCamp - join her DataCamp Classroom.
Dr Gustavo Fermin
Dr Gustavo Fermin is the Programme Coordinator of the United Nations University Biotechnology Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNU-BIOLAC).
Shanali Minoshi Fernando
Shanali Fernando is a Doctoral Researcher under the joint programme of the Technische Universität Dresden and UNU-FLORES.
Luisa Ferolla Prates
Luisa is a Doctoral Researcher in the Joint PhD Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste between Technische Universität Dresden and UNU-FLORES.
Paola Fontanella Pisa
Paola Fontanella Pisa is Programme Associate of Global Mountain Safeguard Research (GLOMOS) Programme, a joint endeavor of UNU-EHS and Eurac Research in South Tyrol.